Representation Theory of Reductive Groups
P C Trombi
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Module Des Fibrés Stables Sur Les Courbes Algébriques
Verdier and 1 more
The Structure of Decidable Locally Finite Varieties
Ralph McKenzie and 1 more
Nilpotent Orbits, Primitive Ideals, and Characteristic Classes
W Borho and 2 more
Topological Methods in Algebraic Transformation Groups
Hanspeter Kraft and 2 more
Regulators in Analysis, Geometry, and Number Theory
Alexander Reznikov and 1 more
Geometric Analysis and Applications to Quantum Field Theory
P Bouwknegt and 1 more
Automorphic Pseudodifferential Analysis and Higher-Level Weyl Calculus
André Unterberger
Coxeter Matroids
Alexandre Borovik and 2 more
Harmonic Analysis, Signal Processing, and Complexity
Carlos A Berenstein and 3 more
Number Fields and Function Fields
Gerard van der Geer and 2 more
The Unity of Mathematics
I M Gelfand and 3 more
Perturbation Methods and Semilinear Elliptic Problems on RÔü+
A Ambrosetti and 1 more
On the Topology of Isolated Singularities in Analytic Spaces
J Seade
An Introduction to the Heisenberg Group and the Sub-Riemannian Isoperimetric Problem
Luca Capogna
Determinantal Ideals
Rosa M MiróRoig
D-Modules, Perverse Sheaves, and Representation Theory
R Hotta and 2 more
Metric Foliations and Curvature
Detlef Gromoll and 1 more
Stable Homotopy Around the Arf-Kervaire Invariant
V P Snaith
Families of Conformally Covariant Differential Operators, Q-Curvature and Holography
Andreas Juhl
Quantitative Arithmetic of Projective Varieties
Tim Browning
Topics in Operator Semigroups
Shmuel Kantorovitz
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Algebra, Arithmetic and Geometry
IU I Manin and 2 more
Developments and Trends in Infinite-Dimensional Lie Theory
KarlHermann Neeb and 1 more
Thermodynamic Formalism and Applications to Dimension Theory
Luís Barreira
First European Congress of Mathematics Paris, July 6-10, 1992
Anthony Joseph and 4 more
Yamabe-Type Equations on Complete, Noncompact Manifolds
Paolo Mastrolilli and 2 more
Representation Theory of Finite Groups and Finite-Dimensional Algebras
Representation theory of finite groups and finite dimensionable algebras
Complex Kleinian Groups
Angel Cano and 2 more
Arithmetic and Geometry Around Galois Theory
Université de Lille and 1 more
Nolan R Wallach
Geometry and Analysis on Manifolds
Shoshichi Kobayashi
Hypoelliptic Laplacian and Bott-Chern Cohomology
JeanMichel Bismut
Mathematics of Aperiodic Order
Johannes Kellendonk and 2 more
Lectures on Functor Homology
Vincent Franjou and 1 more
Representations of Reductive Groups
David A Vogan
Inverse Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations and Applications
Jaume Llibre and 1 more
K3 Surfaces and Their Moduli
C Faber and 2 more
Arbeitstagung Bonn 2013
Werner Ballmann and 1 more
Stabilisation De La Formule Des Traces Tordue
Colette Moeglin and 1 more
Brauer Groups and Obstruction Problems
American Institute of Mathematics
Geometry, Analysis and Probability
Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory
Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory Summer School
Representations of Reductive P-Adic Groups
Representations of Reductive padic Groups Conference and 1 more
Representations and Nilpotent Orbits of Lie Algebraic Systems
Anthony Joseph and 3 more
Morse Homology
Decomposition Spectrale Et Series d'Eisenstein
C Moeglin and 1 more
Residue Currents and Bezout Identities
CA Berenstein and 3 more
Holomorphic Curves in Symplectic Geometry
Michele Audin and 1 more
Lectures on the Geometry of Poisson Manifolds
Izu Vaisman
Symplectic Geometry
B Aebischer and 4 more
Discrete Groups, Expanding Graphs and Invariant Measures
Alex Lubotzky
The Floer Memorial Volume
Helmut Hofer and 3 more
Algebraic Geometry and Singularities
Antonio Campillo Lopez and 1 more
C0-Groups, Commutator Methods and Spectral Theory of N-Body Hamiltonians
Werner Amrein and 2 more
Algebraic Topology: New Trends in Localization and Periodicity
Carles Broto and 2 more
Algorithms in Algebraic Geometry and Applications
Laureano GonzalezVega and 1 more
Sub-Riemannian Geometry
Andre Bellaiche and 1 more
Exotic Attractors
Jorge Buescu
Carleson Curves, Muckenhoupt Weights, and Toeplitz Operators
Albrecht Böttcher and 1 more
Non-Vanishing of L-Functions and Applications
Ram M Murty and 1 more
Vladimir I Arnold and 2 more
Elements of the Representation Theory of the Jacobi Group
Rolf Berndt and 1 more
Module Theory
Alberto Facchini
European Congress of Mathematics
Antal Balog and 3 more
Computational Methods for Representations of Groups and Algebras
P Dräxler and 2 more
Probabilistic Behavior of Harmonic Functions
Rodrigo Banuelos and 1 more
Resolution of Singularities
Herwig Hauser and 3 more
Units in Skew Fields
Ernst Kleinert
Courbes Semi-Stables Et Groupe Fondamental En Geometrie Algebrique
JeanBenoit Bost and 2 more
Complex Analysis and Geometry
Pierre Dolbeault and 4 more
De Rham Cohomology of Differential Modules on Algebraic Varieties
Yves André and 1 more
Polynomial Automorphisms
Arno van den Essen
Braids and Self-Distributivity
Patrick Dehornoy
Moduli of Abelian Varieties
Cohomological Methods in Homotopy Theory
Jaume Aguade and 2 more
Groups With the Haagerup Property
PierreAlain Cherix and 4 more
Quantization of Singular Symplectic Quotients
NP Landsman and 2 more
Rational Points on Algebraic Varieties
Emmanuel Peyre and 1 more
Singularites Des Systemes Differentiels De Gauss-Manin
Frédéric Pham
Singularités Des Systèmes Différentiels De Gauss-Manin
The Symmetry Perspective
Martin Golubitsky and 1 more
Carles Casacuberta and 3 more
Algebraic K-Groups as Galois Modules
Victor P Snaith
Index Theory for Symplectic Paths With Applications
Yiming Long
Torsions of 3-Dimensional Manifolds
Vladimir Turaev
Automorphic Pseudodifferential Analysis and Higher Level Weyl Calculi
Markov Chains and Invariant Probabilities
Onésimo HernándezLerma and 1 more
Subgroup Growth
Alexander Lubotzky and 1 more
Categorical Decomposition Techniques in Algebraic Topology
Gregory Arone and 3 more
The Problem of Integrable Discretization
Yuri B Suris
Séminaire De Théorie Des Nombres, Paris 1987-88
Catherine Goldstein
Alfred Gray
Parabolic Quasilinear Equations Minimizing Linear Growth Functio Functionals
F AndreuVaillo and 2 more
Parabolic Quasilinear Equations Minimizing Linear Growth Functionals
Fuensanta AndreuVaillo and 2 more
Modular Curves and Abelian Varieties
John Cremona and 3 more
Arithmetic of Higher-Dimensional Algebraic Varieties
Bjorn Poonen and 1 more
Singular Sets of Minimizers for the Mumford-Shah Functional
Guy David
Poisson Structures and Their Normal Forms
JeanPaul Dufour and 1 more
Infinite Groups
Laurent Bartholdi and 3 more
The Fourfold Way in Real Analysis
Rigorous Quantum Field Theory
Anne Boutet de Monvel and 3 more
Representation Theory and Automorphic Forms
Toshiyuki Kobayashi and 2 more
Eisenstein Series and Applications
Wee Teck Gan and 2 more
L'isomorphisme Entre Les Tours De Lubin-Tate Et De Drinfeld
Laurent Fargues and 2 more
Walks on Ordinals and Their Characteristics
Stevo Todorcevic
Geometry and Dynamics of Groups and Spaces
Vanishing and Finiteness Results in Geometric Analysis
Stefano Pigola and 2 more
Suites De Sturm, Indice De Maslov Et Périodicité De Bott
Jean Barge and 1 more
Algebra, Arithmetic, and Geometry
Yuri Tschinkel and 1 more
Dimension and Recurrence in Hyperbolic Dynamics
Frobenius Categories Versus Brauer Blocks
Lluís Puig
Liaison, Schottky Problem and Invariant Theory
María Emilia Alonso and 1 more
Arrangements, Local Systems and Singularities
CIMPA Summer School and 1 more
Representation Theory of Algebraic Groups and Quantum Groups
Akihiko Gyoja
Noncommutative Functional Calculus
Prof Fabrizio Colombo Politecnico di Milano and 2 more
Lecture Notes on Mean Curvature Flow
Carlo Mantegazza
Metric and Differential Geometry
Xianzhe Dai and 2 more
Xianzhe Dai and 1 more
Associahedra, Tamari Lattices and Related Structures
Folkert MüllerHoissen and 2 more
First European Congress of Mathematics
Evolution Equations of Hyperbolic and Schrödinger Type
M Ruzhansky and 2 more
Analytic Capacity, the Cauchy Transform, and Non-Homogeneous Calderón-Zygmund Theory
Xavier Tolsa
Takushiro Ochiai and 4 more
Vincent Franjou
Monica Nevins and 1 more
Carel Faber and 2 more
Hussein Mourtada
Algebra, Geometry, and Physics in the 21st Century
Denis Auroux and 4 more
Hardy Inequalities on Homogeneous Groups
Michael Ruzhansky and 1 more
Equidistribution and Counting Under Equilibrium States in Negative Curvature and Trees
Anne BroiseAlamichel and 2 more
Maria Gorelik and 2 more
Semilocal Categories and Modules with Semilocal Endomorphism Rings
Geometric Analysis
Jingyi Chen
Interactions of Quantum Affine Algebras With Cluster Algebras, Current Algebras and Categorification
Vyjayanthi Chari
Extrinsic Geometry of Foliations
Vladimir Rovenski and 1 more
Representation Theory, Mathematical Physics, and Integrable Systems
Anton Alekseev
Rationality of Varieties
Gavril Farkas
Cubic Forms and the Circle Method
Singular Integral Operators, Quantitative Flatness, and Boundary Problems
Juan José Marín and 3 more
Mirzakhani’s Curve Counting and Geodesic Currents
Viveka Erlandsson and 1 more
The Radon Transform
Sigurdur Helgason
The Weil Representation, Maslov Index and Theta Series
Gerard Lion and 1 more
Torus Actions on Symplectic Manifolds
Michèle Audin
Michler and 1 more